Selected talks, keynotes and invited round tables
Representing speaker is Sabina Leonelli unless stated otherwise.
Regular talk by Rose Trappes, PSA 2024: Conference of the Philosophy of Science Association, New Orleans, November 14: “Opening Up Participation through Big Citizen Science: The Case of eBird India.”
Invited Talk by Rose Trappes, Centre for Philosophy of Science Workshop, University of Oslo, October 31: “Dilemmas for Open data.”
Invited Talk by Rose Trappes, The Evidence Synthesis Toolkit: Perspectives from Philosophy and Biology Workshop, Bielefeld University, October 07: “Data Synthesis in Ecology.”
Regular talk by Rose Trappes, East European Network for Philosophy of Science Post-Conference Workshop on Socially Engaged Science, Jagiellonian University, Krakow-Poland, September 11: “Local Uses of a Global Platform: Citizen Science, Diversity, and the case of eBird India.”
Keynote, Ethics of Science Conference, Hannover, March 14-15 (online): “Open Science and the Ethics of Research: A Troubled Relationship”.
Invited seminar, Events series on Research Culture, Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (CRASSH), University of Cambridge, March 12: “Towards Equitable and Cross-Disciplinary Open Science: A Philosophical Analysis” (online)
Invited seminar, Center for Science and Philosophy, University of Bristol, February 28: “A Reformed Empiricism for 21st Century Research”.
Invited speaker and scribe, Lorenz Workshop “Facts, Fakes and Fiction: An Interdisciplinary Workshop”, Snellius, Leiden, February 5-9: “Introductory Remarks: Science for the Public Good?”; “Scientific Quality Criteria: Why the Fuss?”
Invited Speaker at Virtual Analytic Exchange, Office of Analytic Outreach in the Bureau of Intelligence & Research (INR) at the U.S. Department of State, January 31: “Biological Data Journeys and Governance” (>140 attendees)
Invited Panelist at Webinar Plantae, 26 January: “The Role of AI in Plant Science” (>600 attendees)
Public Dialogue with Edward Humpherson, UK National Statistics Regulator, University of Exeter, January 15: “Data Science and Statistics for the Public Good?”
Invited talk, Evidence-Gathering Expert Workshop “Successful and timely uptake of Artificial Intelligence in science in the EU” , European Commission’s Scientific Advice Mechanism (SAM), Brussels, January 10: “What is responsible and timely AI uptake in science in the EU?”.
Invited talk, Evidence-Gathering Expert Workshop “Successful and timely uptake of Artificial Intelligence in science in the EU” , European Commission’s Scientific Advice Mechanism (SAM), December 7: “Changing research environments in the context of AI and open science”
Invited talk, University of Bochum, 24 November: “Extractive epistemologies and the sustainability of data environments”.
Submitted talk by Paola Castaño, “Building Open Science Communities in Space Biology”. Presentation and panel co-organized between PHIL_OS and NASA Open Science Data Repository (American Society of Gravitational and Space Research, Washington DC, 19 November 2023)
Invited talk by Nathanael Sheehan, Data Crunch (Exeter/online, 17 November 2023) with Sabina Leonelli: “Open data governance and sustainability models for data intermediaries”
Invited talk, Royal Institute for Philosophy Series, University of Oxford, 15 November: “Empiricism for 21st Century Research”.
Submitted talk by Emma Cavazzoni, Philosophy of AI and Digital Infrastructures workshop (Exeter University, 06/11/23 – 17/11/23):
“Sharing Data, Sharing Technologies. Data-Technology Communities in Haly.Id”
Keynote, “Science for Policy – Challenges and Opportunities” Conference, Permanent Representation of Estonia to the EU, Brussels, November 8: “Open Science for Policy”
Invited panelist, “Panel Discussion: Citizen science as a way towards patient-oriented research”, Conference Open Innovation in Life Sciences, October 26-27, Zurich and online:
Keynote, Launch event of the Regional Digital Innovation Hub ER2Digit, Bologna, 19 October: “Aprire il Digitale per il Bene Comune” (“Opening up the Digital for the Common Good”).
Invited panelist, “Future-Proofing the Code of Practice for Statistics: Data Ethics and AI”, UK Office for National Statistics Regulation, online event, October 18: “Data Ethics and AI: Challenges to Statistical Practice” URL: ;
Invited talk, Symposium “Ocean and Us”, University of Edinburgh (online), 11 October: “Ocean data governance and the challenge of fair exchange in marine research”.
Invited Seminar, CLIMASAT conference, Barcelona, October 6: “Open or Closed? Reflections on Data Circulation Across Diverse Research Environments” .
Invited talk, Department of Anthropology, Leiden University, 28 September: “Open Science and Ethnographic Methods”
Keynote, STI2023 The 27th International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators, University of Leiden, September 27-28: “Telling Research Like It Is: Openness, Transparency and the Quest for Trustworthy Assessment”
Contributed talk, “Il Ritorno del Sociale: Quarto Convegno Italiano di Antropologia Culturale”, Rome La Sapienza, September 22: “Which Integration for Health? Comparing Epidemiological Approaches” (with Stefano Canali, presenting).
Contributed talk, EPSA23 Belgrade, September 21: “Using Ecological Niche Theories to Understand Research Environments” (with Rose Trappes).
Contributed talk, EPSA23 Belgrade, September 22: “Research in the Multiplex: When Scientific Practice Inhabits Multiple Research Environments” (with Rose Trappes).
Contributed talk by Rose trappes, Conference of the European Philosophy of Science Association (EPSA) (Belgrade, 20 September 2023): “Using Ecological Niche Theories to Understand Research Environments”
Invited talk, International Conference on Open and FAIR Data Ecosystem: Principles, Policies, and Platforms, India, September 11-13: “The Importance of Data Ethics: Introducing the Ethical Data Initiative” (with Suchith Anand, presenting, and Kathryn Bailey).
Invited lecture, Methods conference, University of Exeter, September 6: “How to Design ‘Philosophy of Science in Practice’ Research?” (with Rachel Ankeny).
Keynote, Symposium “Open to Complexity: Symposium on Open Science in the Social Sciences and Humanities”, University of Tilburg, 5 September: “Telling Research Like It Is? Openness, Transparency and the Potential of Social Science and Humanities as Models of Best Practice”
Invited talk, Department of Philosophy, University of Tilburg, 4 September: “Empiricism for 21st Century Research”.
Invited seminar, Crop Research Insitute, CSIR, Ghana, August 29: “Open Science, Data Linkage and Cassava Research”.
Invited talk by Rose Trappes, Symposium BioGovernance and Science Diplomacy: The Past and Future of UK-India Dialogues (RIS India/University of Kent/online, 19 August 2023): “Changing Direction for Open Science”
Invited panelist, “ChatGPT and the Future of Society”, IDSAI Panel Discussion, University of Exeter, July 18.
Contributed talk by Joyce Koranteng-Acquah, Biennial conference of International Society for the History Philosophy and Social Studies of Biology (ISHPSSB), Panel session “Coordination within and beyond the lab: Challenges of transdisciplinary life sciences” (Toronto/Virtual, 13 July 2023): “Bridging the science-policy gap in Ghanaian agricultural research”
Contributed talk, ISHPSSB 2023 Symposium “Coordination In and Beyond the Lab”, University of Toronto, Canada, 12 July: “Themes and variations in the ‘precision’ sciences: On the relation between regimes and repertoires” (with Rachel Ankeny).
Contributed talk by Rose trappes, Biennial conference of the International Society for the History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Biology (ISHPSSB) (University of Toronto, 12 July 2023): with Sabina Leonelli, “What can be learnt about research environments from niche concepts?”
Contributed talk, ISHPSSB 2023 Symposium “Conceptualising Environments in and for Research”, University of Toronto, Canada, July 13: “What can be learnt about research environments from niche concepts?” (with Rose Trappes)
Submitted talk by Nathanael Sheehan, Biennial meeting of the International Society for the History, Philosophy and Social Studies of biology (ISHPSSB) (Toronto, 9-15 July 2023): “Covid-19 Genomic Data: Diverse Enough?”
Submitted talk by Emma Cavazzoni, International Society for the History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Biology (ISHPSSB) Biennial Meeting (University of Toronto, 9–15 July 2023): “Data Communities from Shared Technologies: Bringing Drones into Field Research”. Part of the symposium “Data Communities”
Submitted talk by Paola Castaño, “What is an institutionalized community of data users? NASA’s GeneLab and the Analysis Working Groups” International Society for the History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Biology meeting (Toronto, 12 July 12 2023)
Invited plenary chair and organiser, Session “Creating, communicating and evaluating science in the 21st century”, BSPS Annual Conference 2023, University of Bristol, July 7.
Invited lecture, Society for Experimental Biology Centenary Conference 2023, Session “Big Data in Biology” University of Edinburgh, July 6: “Philosophical perspectives on data-intensive pest-plant interaction studies across the lab and the field”(with Emma Cavazzoni, presenting).
Invited talk by Emma Cavazzoni, Society for Experimental Biology Centenary Conference (Edinburgh, 04/07/23 – 07/07/23): “Data-Intensive Pest-Plant Interaction. Studies Across the Lab and the Field: Philosophical Perspectives”
Keynote, “PSI2023: Current Debates in Philosophy of Science”, First Annual Conference of the PhilSci India group, Azim Premji University, Bengaluru, June 21-23: “Rethinking Empiricism for 21st Century Research”.
Contributed talk by Rose trappes, Annual Philosophy of Science India Conference (Azim Premji University, 22 June 2023): “The Challenges of Evaluating Citizen Science Data”
Public discussion, Giunchiglia Community Centre, Nonantola, June 7: “Big Data: Cosa Sono?” (with Emma Cavazzoni).
Invited talk by Rose Trappes, Science Studies Colloquium series (University of Oslo, 7 June 2023): “Philosophy of Open Science”
Invited talk, virtual conference on Global Health Data, University of Edinburgh, June 2: “Data Actionability versus Accountability? An Avoidable Trade-Off” (with N. Sheehan)
Invited talk by Paola Castaño, “New Insights about Plant Space Experiments through Data Sharing: A Philosophical/Sociological Perspective”, at NASA GeneLab Plant Analysis Working Group (NASA/ Online, 10 May 2023)
Invited lecture, Science Europe Working Group for Open Science and Research Culture, Brussels, May 10: “Fostering Cultures of Open Science”
Invited seminar by Rose Trappes, Evolution seminar series (Bielefeld University, 9 May 2023): “How does open science change science? Contributions from philosophy”
Submitted talk by Paola Castaño, “Defining ‘Space’ through Data Sharing: Plant Space Experiments and NASA’s GeneLab” with Sabina Leonelli. Philosophy in Biology and Medicine (PhilInBioMed) Network Meeting. (Cambridge University, 9 May 2023)
Invited Introductory Remarks, ‘The Reproducibility Crisis for Machine Learning-Based Science”, Royal Society Virtual Seminar, April 27: “The Many Faces of Reproducibility”
Keynote, Precision Toxicology Consortium, University of Birmingham, April 25-26: “Precision science across domains”.
Invited lecture, Launch of the Exeter Health Data Analytics Network, University of Exeter, 24 April: “Is data science transforming health research?”
Invited talk by Rose Trappes, Philosophy of Science Colloquium (Bergen University, 20 April 2023): “Exploring the Consequences of Open Science”
Invited panelist, Public Debate “Can We Trust Science?”, Agile Rabbit, Phoenix Centre Exeter, March 30.
Invited talk by Rose Trappes, PHIL_OS Exploratory workshop “Whither Open Science?” (University of Exeter, 30 March 2023): “Dynamics of Epistemic Diversity in Citizen Science“
Invited talk by Nathanael Sheehan, PHIL_OS Exploratory Conference (Exeter, 30 March 2023): “Open Data and Software in Science”
Invited talk by Joyce Koranteng-Acquah, PHIL_OS Project Exploratory Conference “Whither Open Science?” (Exeter, 30 March 2023): “Is knowledge being produced in a way that supports policy?”
Submitted talk by Emma Cavazzoni, “Whither Open Science? PHIL_OS Exploratory Conference” (Exeter University, 30/03/23 – 31/03/23): “The Use of Data-Intensive Methods in Plant Science: Drones and Camera Traps in Haly.Id”
Introduction, PHIL_OS Conference, Exeter Central Library, March 30.
Contributed talk, Workshop “Community Engagement as Scientific Practice”, Exeter, March 28: “Turning Prospecting into Participation: Data Sharing and Inequity within Scientific Knowledge Production”
Invited opening, Book Presentation “Towards Responsible Plant Data Linkage”, University of Trento, March 27 (online).
Submitted talk by Nathanael Sheehan, 20th Research Data Alliance plenary (Gothenburg, 21-23 March 2023): “Analysis of COVID-19 sequencing platforms”
Contributed talk by Rose trappes, Perspectives on Scientific Practice symposium (University of Exeter, 15 March 2023): “Niche-based theories of scientific practice: A scoping survey”
Contributed talk, Workshop “Perspectives on Scientific Practice”, University of Exeter, March 14: “Niche-based theories of scientific practice: A scoping survey” (with Rose Trappes)
Invited lecture at “Global Engagement on Human Germline Genome Editing” workshop, Senate House, London, March 9: “From Portal to Analysis: Data Governance Models for SARS-COV-2 Sequencing Data” (with Nathanael Sheehan, presenter).
Invited webinar for the Collaborative Research Centre “Virtual Lifeworlds”, Seminar Series “Across the Layers: Scientific Knowledge Production, Planetary Resources, and Data Centres”, University of Bochum, March 3: “The conceptual architecture of data sustainability: Examples from crop science”
Invited talk, HALY-ID Conference, University of Perugia, February 13-14: “I viaggi dei dati e le sfide della Scienza Aperta: Un’introduzione al progetto PHIL_OS”
Invited talk by Joyce Koranteng-Acquah, Workshop “The Post-Colonial Technological Archive: Cross-disciplinary Exchange on Data, Health and Environment in Africa”, hosted by Point Sud, the Institute for African Studies and the Institute for Environment and Sanitation Studies (University of Ghana, 7-11 February 2023): “Transforming knowledge into policy: challenges of the science-policy interface”
Invited talk by Nathanael Sheehan, Institute for Data Science and AI network launch event (IDSAI-ECRN) (Exeter, 8 February 2023): “Analysis of COVID-19 sequencing platforms”
Invited lecture, HPS Department Seminar Series “50 Years of HPS”, University of Cambridge, January 19: “Against Presence Empiricism”
Submitted talk by Paola Castaño, “‘Scaling up’ Space Biology: The Concept of Reference Experiment” with Dana Tulodziecki. International Conference on Large-Scale Experiments (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology/ Online, 10 December 2022)
Invited lecture, Conference “Objectivité, Big Data et Médecine / Objectivité Graphique en Sciences”, Université de Strasbourg, December 14-15: “How do Big Data affect understandings of biomedical evidence?” (remote)
Invited Roundtable Speaker “Openness in Science from an Intersectional Perspective”, Series on “Transnational feminist dialogues in science and technology”, Margherita von Brentano Centre for Gender Studies, Berlin, December 14 (online). ;
Invited talk by Nathanael Sheehan, Data Crunch (Exeter/online, December 5 2022): “Open Data in the Private Industry”
Invited seminar, History and Philosophy of Biology Teaching Lab, University of Bahia, Brasil, November 22: “Beyond ‘indigenous knowledge’: Situated data governance as an answer to resourcist understandings of biodiversity”
Contributed talk, PhiInBioMed, Pittsburgh, November 14-15: “COVID-19 Data Representativeness versus Actionability: An Avoidable Trade-Off?” (with Nathanael Sheehan).
Submitted talk by Nathanael Sheehan, Third PhilInBioMed Conference (Pittsburgh, 13 November 2022): “Analysis of COVID-19 sequencing platforms”
Contributed talk, Symposium “Scientific Medicine”, PSA 2022, November 10-13: “Is Data Science Transforming Medicine? The Case of COVID-19”
Keynote, BMBF Conference on Quantitative Science Studies, online event, 4 November: “Is Open Science compatible with quantitative research assessments?”
Invited Roundtable Speaker, “The Forest Multiple” Symposium, University of Cambridge, 27 October: “The Challenges of Datafying Plants”. ; podcast on
Keynote, International Conference “Beyond Quantity”, Paris, October 21-22: “The Qualitative Side of Automation: Lessons from the Reproducibility Debate”.
Invited talk, Les jeudis de l’histoire et de la philosophie de la science, Paris, October 20: “Globalising local knowledge beyond extractive epistemologies: Lessons from crop data science”
Invited talk, International Workshop “Scientific Knowledge Across Jurisdictions: Traceability, Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS), and Scientific Policy in a Multicultural World”, University of Edinburgh, October 11: “Whither transnational science? Moving research data across communities and borders”
Invited talk, Technische Universität Munich, October 5: “Datafication, Openness and Overwhelming Inequity: Reframing Scientific Discovery in the 21st Century”.
Keynote, International Conference “Engaging Ethics and Epistemology of Science” (EES 2022), University of Hannover, September 28-29: ‘The Ethics of Empiricism’
Invited talk, Workshop “Science and its Others: Histories of ethno-science from the 18th century to the present-day”, University of Cambridge, September 19-20: “Globalising local plant knowledge: Cassava research in 21th century crop science”.
Invited Enabling Openness in Australian Stem Cell Research (EOAR) seminar, University of Adelaide, September 14: “Big and Open Data: Mind the Gaps”.
Invited talk, European Advanced School for Philosophy of the Life Sciences, University of Bordeaux, September 5-9: “Handling biological, social and scientific complexity: Reflections on crop science”
Keynote & Anchor Teacher, WTMC Summer School 2022 “Opening Up Diversity”, August 22-26: Five lectures delivered under the school theme.
Contributed talk by Rose trappes, Conference of the Society for Philosophy of Science in Practice (SPSP) (Ghent, 3 July 2022): “Sharing Movement Data to Answer Big Questions: Are there Trade-Offs in Opening Ecological Observation?”
Invited discussant Rose Trappes, Panel discussion of the conference of the British Society for Philosophy of Science (BSPS) (University of Exeter, 8 July 2022): “Open Science and Philosophy”
Invited talk by Paola Castaño, “Sociology and Scientific Research in Space”. NASA GeneLab for High School Program (NASA/ Online, 7 July 2022)
Invited talk, Joint PHIL_OS/ISEED Roundtable “Good Science Across Diversity of Research Environments”, Università Cà Foscari, Venice, July 7: “Citizen Science, Openness and the Diversity of Research Environments”
Contributed talk, Society for the Philosophy of Science in Practice 2021, University of Ghent, July 2-4: “Openness as Disruption: Epistemic Injustice in Crop Data Linkage”
Submitted talk by Paola Castaño, “Data Processing as Sharing Practice: Making Space Plant Biology at NASA’s GeneLab”, Society for the Philosophy of Science in Practice (Ghent and online, 3 July 2022)
Invited talk, University of Hannover, 17-18 June: “Does Open Science Need Philosophy?”
Invited talk, Technische Universität Berlin, 13 June: “Data Absence and the Failures of Big Data Empiricism”
Invited talk, International Conference “The Philosophy of Data Science: Data Science Governance”, Centre for Human and Machine Intelligence, University of Frankfurt, 10-11 June: “Governing Data Circulation: An Underrated Concern for Scientific Inquiry”
Keynote, Reproducibility Conference, Belgian Royal Academy of Science, Brussels, June 1: “The Many Faces of Reproducibility”. ; :
Invited talk, Department of Philosophy, Freie Universität Berlin, 18 May: “Datafication and Scientific Discovery: From Presence to Absence”
Keynote, STS Conference Graz 2022 “Critical Issues in Science, Technology and Society Studies”, May 2-4: “Open Science Beyond ‘Sharing’” ; video:
Invited seminar, Digital Humanities Centre Series, Freie Universität Berlin, April 27: “Datafication and the Practice of Discovery” (cancelled due to surgery)
Invited lecture, Seminar Series “Taming the Machines”, Research Group “Ethics in IT”, University of Hamburg, April 6: “Trouble in the (big) data house”
Invited seminar, Michigan Institute for Data Science (MIDAS), University of Michigan, April 4: “Beyond Access: Framing the Use of Big and Open Data for Research”
Invited seminar, Deutsche Zentrum für Hochschul- und Wissenschaftforschung (DZHW), 30 March: “What is the Trouble with Open Science?”
Keynote, International Conference “Development Counts: Data Skills for International Development Careers”, 16 March: “Big and open data for development: Mind the gaps”
Invited talk by Paola Castaño, “Experiments, Communities, and Datasets: Sociological Notes about Plant Biology on the International Space Station”. One O’clock Space Lecture (UCL/ Online, 15 March 15 2022)
Invited seminar, Colloquium Series of the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, March 15: “Wither Open Science?”
Invited talk, Westminster Higher Education Forum Policy Conference ‘Next steps for the Research Excellence Framework’, March 11: “Open Science from Theory to Practice”.
Invited talk by Nathanael Sheehan, 2022 Philosophy of Open Science open meeting, (Exeter/Online): “Responsible Repositories”
Invited Egenis seminar by Paola Castaño, “The International Space Station as a Platform for Plant Biology: Institutionalising a Research Community” (University of Exeter/ Online, 21 February 2022)
Invited speaker, DivSeek Annual General Meeting, January 19: “Globalising Plant Knowledge through Transnational Data Management” (with Hugh Williamson, presenting).
Panelist on The Vision for Data Spaces, High Level Panel on Future Data Space, FAIR Digital Objects Forum, January 19. (400 audience)
Invited speaker, KLI seminar “Seeing Through COVID-19”, Austria (remote), January 13: “Responses to the pandemic within history and philosophy of biology”.
2021 (Q4, September–December)
Invited talk, Joint Centre for Environmental Intelligence Conference, University of Exeter, December 16-17: “Steps Towards Intelligent Openness”
Invited talk, GEOS Seminar, University of Wageningen, 9 December: “The Dilemmas of Openness: Sharing Knowledge Across Research Environments”
Invited speaker, Workshop on Interdisciplinarity in History and Philosophy of Science, University of Taipei, Taiwan, December 8: “The Future of Interdisciplinary Philosophy”.
Keynote, Conference on Statistics, Data and Scientific Integrity, Flemish Interuniversity Council, VUB Brussels, 29 November: “Research Integrity, Data Quality and Fair FAIR Data”
Invited panelist, High Level Workshop “Research Culture in the ERA: Ensuring the Attractiveness of the Research Sector for Current and Future Generations”, Science Europe, Luxemburg, 24 November: “Diversity and its Impact on Research Cultures”
Keynote, 1st International TRIPLE Conference “Empowering Discovery in Open Social Science and Humanities”, Polish Academy of Sciences, 22 November: “Openness in the social sciences and humanities: lessons to and from the natural sciences”
Invited panelist, History of Science Society Conference (HSS 2021), Panel “The Future of Open Access in the History of Science, Technology and Society”, November 19.
Invited panelist, Three Cultures Forum “Living with Diversity”, Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, November 18: “Diversity in Research”
Contributed talk, Symposium “Opening Up Open Science”, Philosophy of Science Association 2020 meeting in Baltimore, November 15: “Open Science and Epistemic Diversity: Friends or Foes?” (postponed from 2020)
Invited seminar, College de France, November 12: “COVID research in a transnational perspective”
Invited talk at VolkswagenStiftung Symposium for Breakthroughs in the Social Science and Humanities (as a Winner in that category), Falling Walls Conference 2021, November 8: “Breaking Walls for Understanding Data”
Invited talk at Informal Advisory Group on Digital Sequence Information informing negotiations on the Global Biodiversity Framework (Convention for Biological Diversity COP 15), October 20: “Intelligent Data Sharing”
Invited Panelist for Ada Lovelace Institute Webinar Series “Data for the Public Good”, October 14: “Lessons Learnt from COVID-19: How should data usage during the pandemic shape the future?” ;
Invited Turing Seminar, Alan Turing Institute, 11 October: “The Evidence Base of Artificial Intelligence: Supporting Data Fairness to Enhance Research Quality”
Invited speaker, “Data Democratization”, Data Sharing Seminar Series for Societies, 1 October. ; video:
Invited seminar, History and Philosophy of Science Department at University of Indiana Bloomington, September 30: “Can – and should – philosophy help to “open” science?”
Keynote, Annual Conference (Jahresversammlung) of the Leopoldina “Biodiversität und die Zukunft der Vielfalt”, German National Academy of Sciences, Halle, September 23-24: “Reframing Biodiversity from the Data Up: Challenges from Plant Data Semantics” (postponed from 2020)
Invited talk, Symposium “Science Policies, Research Funding, and the Future of the University,” Biennial Conference of the European Philosophy of Science Association (EPSA 2021), Torino, September 18: “Research Excellence”.
Invited commentary, Symposium ‘Scientific Evidence and Expertise in the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond”, Biennial Conference of the European Philosophy of Science Association (EPSA 2021), Torino, September 17.
Keynote, UK Association for Studies of Innovation, Science and Technology (AsSIST-UK) 2021 Conference “Infrastructures, Institutions and Cultures: New Relations and New Challenges”, September 9-10: “The Open Data Challenge: Cultural, Institutional and Infrastructural Dilemmas of Data Sharing”
Keynote, Conference “Giornate di Epidemiologia Carlo Corchia”, University of Florence, September 9: “Open Science”