Data Science for Planetary Health

Common-enemy graph of Potter’s Cove marine ecosystem.

This subproject investigates current forms of data sharing and knowledge production focusing on health x environment interactions towards improving planetary health, with a particular focus on epidemiology and the intersections between molecular-driven analyses and research on the social determinants of health.

I am particularly interested in the ways in which the COVID-19 pandemic has put data science methods and Open Science infrastructures to the test; the methodological and conceptual implications of integrating such disparate data for public health research; and what can be learnt from the history of epidemiological knowledge and methods, particularly natural experiments and semantic systems, in designing and using data-intensive resources for planetary health.  

This work intersects with the project conducted with Nathanael Sheehan on genomic data sharing.


Leonelli, S. (forthcoming) Is Data Science Transforming Biomedical Research? Evidence, Expertise and Experiments in COVID-19 Science. Philosophy of Science.

Dupré, J and Leonelli, S (2022) Process Epistemology in the COVID Era: Rethinking the Research Process to Avoid Dangerous Forms of Reification. European Journal for the Philosophy of Science 12:20

Canali, S and Leonelli, S. (2022) Reframing the Environment in Data-Intensive Health Sciences. Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science 93: 203-214.

Krige, J and Leonelli, S (2021) Mobilizing the Translational History of Knowledge Flows: COVID-19 and the Politics of Knowledge at the Borders. History and Technology 37:1, 125-146.

Leonelli S, Lovell B, Fleming L, Wheeler B and Williams H. (2021) From FAIR data to fair data use: Methodological data fairness in health-related social media research. Big Data and Society 8 (1)

Cousins, T, Pentecost, M, Alvergne, A, Chandler, C, Chigudu, S, Herrick, C, Kelly, A, Leonelli, S, Lezaun, J, Lorimer, J, Reubi, D, Sekalala, S (2021) The Changing Climates of Global Health. BMJ Global Health.

Leonelli, S. (2021) Data Science in Times of Pan(dem)ic. Harvard Data Science Review 3(1) [featured article with seven discussion pieces]

Leonelli, S. (2021) Rejoinder: The Present and Future of Data Science in Society. Harvard Data Science Review 3(1)

Leonelli, S. (2022) Big Data Nel Mondo Della Salute: Bene Comune o Interesse Privato? (Big Data in the World of Health: Common Good or Private Interest?) In: Balbo G, Garbarini G, Jarre P, Manuale di InformEtica. Torino: Loescher, pp. 121-125.

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